is the owner/director. She is a very vibrant lady, fizzing with enthusiasm and plans to help the planet in these challenging times of climate change. from Music Teacher to Eco Nutcase, quite a journey! A teacher by profession, Caroline is also highly creative, writing songs and stories mostly with younger […]
Daily archives: 18 February 2023
As you might guess from his picture, the 2nd person you meet is no longer with us. He would have been in his 40th year, in 1822 and was the Poldark of his time, in mid-Cornwall mining. If you liked that TV series you may enjoy his stories too, but […]
Often with us in a voluntary capacity (thank you!) this gentleman is a historian, devoted to deep research. A member of the Luxulyan Valley Partnership Heritage group, his most recent work has been to update their database of 76 heritage items, found in the mining and quarry areas around Meadow […]
Owner of a heritage asset of his own, the historic water-mill at Bridges, PL30 5EN, Bob is a member of Luxulyan Parish Council and is helping to develop the recently established LEGGS (Luxulyan Environment Green Glebe Space). He is a Mechanical Engineer and has been working with water flows throughout […]
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