This area of the website is for anyone who shares Caroline’s enthusiasm for helping the planet. Or to put it another way, people with a ‘heart of green!’
There is no doubt at all that we could not have delivered the three Ceremonies 4 Climate Hope, in the past 12 months, without such support. Volunteers and funders were fundamental to success! In particular, it was invaluable working alongside members of the Mid Cornwall Climate and Eco Hub, in Truro. THANK YOU.
Our world is changing fast and with the changes come new expectations for humanity, challenging us as individuals, families and organisations.
Not long ago we could make personal choices, hopefully with consideration for other people, but not having to factor in thoughts for our landscapes, natural resources, wild creatures and health of the planet. Today our decisions must be taken more responsibly, with all of those extra dimensions in mind. It is a huge and complex area, full of technology and statistics, swirling in a fog of ‘greenwash’. Where can one turn for help?
At The Meadow Barns Centre we identify and sign up members, to join an expanding group of contributors, all of us dedicated to helping navigate through the complexities. We have pinned ‘Climate Hope’ firmly into the Sat Nav for the future journey of humanity and call on all who have a ‘Heart of Green’ to come on board by signing up each summer, for the following 12 months.
We have set out Member Donation buttons at different prices below. If any person or small organisation cannot afford to donate, that’s fine; there will always be a free blog and other regular free offers.
Please use one or more buttons, to support as you wish. No one will question if an individual starts to donate under the group or family membership, or does not donate at all.
GREEN FRIDAYS BLOG Suggested Donation, £5
We currently have just over 200 subscribers, from all around the UK plus a handful of international readers. The current year is shown in the drop down, but also on the other side is content of the past blogs (2023 and 2022) in an Archive. Or scroll to the bottom of this page for links.
A very small number of readers currently make the donation, so we hope this may increase in 2024. Please don’t just skip by!
FAMILY MEMBERSHIP Suggested Donation, £15
This is a great option if you live in Cornwall, or you would like to book our limited availability accommodation options and stay a few days.
The membership entitles you to one free short visit, with time in the library, around the site and a local walk. You can also join our activity days to learn about heritage research and rescue.
All members receive a 10% discount on Story Walk publications, plus we also offer support to achieve a ..
for young people in the age bracket of 6 to 15 years. We can help with applications, giving advice on the certificate/badge system and free worksheets to help compile evidence.
SMALL COMMUNITY GROUPS Suggested Member Donation, £30
When you make your £30 Donation and give an email address you will immediately receive an introductory package of the following:-
a) A link to Green Fridays blog b) A questionnaire to help us plan your personalised programme. Soon after this you will receive either a Story Walk book and sound tracks or other relevant publications.
Through the rest of the year any bookings or purchases will come to you with a 10% Member’s discount.
There is no fixed fee for this category. As an example, 2 local pubs just purchased their own bespoke set of Treffry Tales and walks, on display boards to hang on the wall. They paid £45 each. If they also decide to project the tales via a TV that will require an additional purchase of a licence.
Every relationship in this category is bespoke, slightly different from the next. If you are an expert with services to offer, we would love to hear about your skills and experience, plus the terms/input you can offer.
Thank you EVERYONE, for your SUPPORT!
******************* PREVIOUS CAMPAIGNS ******************
In 2022 we spent a few months working with young illustrators, who added an extra, charming dimension to the modernised story of 3 Little Pigs at Penpell Farm, Par. In this version the straw-bale house turns out to be by far the best choice!
The work was almost completed, but every year the 2nd Part, for adults, which has a focus on building with maximum insulation, retro-fitting & sustainable energy systems, really needs to be updated. This is why we have kept the book in a digital format.
Previous Campaigns 2 – HYDRO
Also in 2022 we set up a government petition, in support of hydro and requesting an inquiry into all options for water-based energy systems across England and Wales. The time for signing has now past.
Previous Campaigns 3 – GROUND SOURCE MINE HEAT
This was a campaign to create a Lo-MEGG or Local Mining Energy Group and Grid for the specific area, in which Meadow Barns Centre is situated, called Penpillick. The plan was to use warm water from mine shafts, boosted by other sustainable inputs, to create power for this locality.
2023 Update – European Funding through Deep Digital Cornwall (under the umbrella of Exeter University, Penryn) ran out too soon! However, we are once again collaborating with the University, in planning future education about Mining.
You will find previous years in the drop down menu.
Please don’t forget to PLAY YOUR PART TRAVEL-WISE
Although many visitors want to arrive in a car, we encourage people to think about coming by public transport. A 28 bus comes to the end of our lane from which it is a short walk to the centre. When possible one of the team will collect visitors from the nearest train station.
Get involved →
Book your visit to the Centre and talk to Caroline in person. Or call her on 07967 653346.